Yay!! I’ve got the car back from Fusion Fabrications
Matt has done an amazing job to fit it all in there! 🙂 It does look bloody wonderful.
I’ve still got a fair little list to crack no with before I can fire her up;
- Turbo oil drain.
- Turbo water lines.
- Bleed brakes & Clutch.
- Re-fit under tray panels.
- Make heat shield for brakes for extra heat management.
- Wrap down-pipe.
- GFB G-Force II Boost Controller.
- Fill up with FL22 coolant.
As the car hasn’t been fired up since drilling the sump, even though I have really flushed it out I still get worried, so I’m going to fire up her on oil and check for leaks and make sure everything is dandy and get up to temperature. Then I will dump the oil and swap out the filter again.
Overall I should be firing up this week! Exciting times ahead. 😀